Missing images from my blog

Today I’m sharing some information about deleting images from Picasa, and finding missing photo’s…along with some photos from one of my good friends lovely country garden.  These photo’s were taken last May…it’s rather winterish here at the moment!  Can you believe it’s March, and our weather predictions this evening are… freezing rain along with 5-7 inches of snow? This winter will certainly will be a memorable one!



(This was the view driving to my friends farm)

I was surprised, this week, when I clicked on my blog, and all I saw were round circles with minus signs instead of images, so I started doing a little research, and what I discovered was….that this has not only happened to me, but to many others as well.




After contacting Google+, I  did receive an email… listing several suggestions for me to try, and what they thought could have possibly happened, however, nothing has worked that they suggested. I did, however, delete several folders from Picasa, mostly those that were never published, and only one that was a web album, however,  I’m still missing photos from my blog.  I can see that they’re still in Picasa, and Light Room, just not on my blog. I tried publishing them again from Windows Live Writer, but to no avail. The only way I’ve been able to add them back is to upload them again in Windows Live Writer, and republish.  This doesn’t make sense to me…but it’s been working.  I don’t know when, and how I’m going to find the time to add the others back.


Potting Shed @LavenderandLinen.blogspot.com

(Her son built this lovely potting shed.  Isn’t it the greatest!) 

Google+ says, if you delete photos, you can hit restore from your trash bin,  before 60 day’s, after that they’re gone! However, Picasa is a different story, If you delete photos from your Blogger album in Picasa Web Albums, the photo will also be deleted from your blog.  Likewise, you delete a photo from Blogger it will be deleted from Picasa Web Albums.


Hosta Garden/with yard Art

(Her husband raises horses on their farm so she has all kinds of horse art in her gardens.)

Wouldn’t it be nice if Picasa had some kind of warning other than, are you sure you want to delete this folder, before you actually hit DELETE?

You can also find out more about this subject by visiting The Flirty Guide BlogSpot.  It’s an older article, but it’s still the same.   


(We sat under the gazebo, listening to the softly falling rain hitting on the metal roof, overlooking the beautiful garden rooms, sipping on fresh, cold, green tea.)



(I’m in love this chippy old bench!  It makes the perfect place to sit and relax while enjoying the garden, the price was right too... Free!)



   For those of you that have experienced this problem with your blog, I would love to hear from you. 

My thoughts were to delete this blog, but since I’ve been able to add photos back, I decided I’d try again.  



(I’m sure this winter weather hasn’t been easy for the horse and cattle farmers, as well as, the animals.)



I’m also delighted to let you know, if you would like to see more of this garden, it will

be featured in April’s issue of the Kentucky Gardner’s magazine.  







Thanks everyone for stopping by, and I hope you have a wonderful week, stay warm, and think SPRING!

See you soon!


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Ivy, Phyllis and Me! said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Good Afternoon Mary, I am sorry to hear about the problems you have been experiencing, but I am so thankful that you have let me know about the problem, as I was going to delete some of my photographs. I am so pleased I didn't and will now be very careful.
What a treat to see your friends garden, the drive to the farm looks glorious.
Maybe you could share with us the photos in the Kentucky Gardener, as living in England, I will not be able to buy the magazine and I love viewing gardens.
Best Wishes

sweetbriardreams said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thanks for the advice Mary. I am about to have a tidy up and thankful I read about your trials first.

Your friend's garden is beautiful, and I love the old bench you have!

Have a great week. xx

Red Rose Alley said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You have a new blog design - I love it! Your pictures are wonderful! I especially love the bright pink flower with the bee. I always try to get bee shots, but they fly away too quickly. You have such a natural talent for Photography, Mary, and I love seeing your pictures every time I visit.

So sorry to hear about the problems you've been having with your photos. Hang in there, my friend. I hope it resolves soon.


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