~Celebrating Fall In The Garden~



Hello friends!

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood today, the weather’s

been just about perfect.

It’s the kind of day that makes you want to

dust off the  grill, invite a few friends over,

and enjoy this beautiful weather.

I hope you’re having some of the same where you are.


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Amazingly, the mosquitos aren’t out today. 

This summer has been the worst for those pesky little bugs.


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I got a chance yesterday to visit a few blogs and I ran across a great

blog tip that some of you might be interested in 


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over at Addicted 2 Decorating…

  She talks about how it really helps

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to resize your photo’s before uploading them to your blog.


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Have you noticed how some blogs are so slow to load?


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(This fountain is a little different…somewhat like me.)

Anyway, she says it’s because they don’t

resize their photo’s before uploading to their blog.


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So, I took her advice and resized at least most of these photo’s.  

What’s your favorite editing program?

I’ve been using picnik, mainly, because it’s so user friendly and 


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it’s also free.

I’m so glad there’s smart, high tech folks out there

that doesn’t mind sharing their knowledge with low tech people like me.


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Alise, my sister in law, taught me how to use a monogram machine

several years ago. 


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These napkins were the very first thing I ever monogrammed.  I guess

that’s why I love and use them so much.


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She made me think I was natural born

monogrammer.  Winking smile 


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She also found this adorable tablecloth


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on one of her fantastic, whale of a deal, shopping trips.

It’s perfect for the bar table and I’m loving it.


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Even though the sun is shinning


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  through the Pergola, it’s still a very comfortable 75 degree’s.


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Albert’s having a relaxing day too! 


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Fall is for falling in love with the outdoors. 


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After the stifling hot summer, go on outdoors and take a look

at the changes Mother Nature has given us.

The leaves will be turning colors in a few

weeks and it will be the perfect time to take a nature walk

through the woods.

I’m loving fall y’all!


Thanks for joining me in Le Jar din today!


Enjoy your week  and I’ll see you soon!

Pin It now!


Cindi @ Rustique Art said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

awesome photos :) I think Albert is a precious boy, I'm smitten. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that experiences blog loading too slowly, drives me nuts. I do resize my photos before loading, but I always keep the large photo for a magazine spread...LOL! I'm a dreamer. I use picnik too, I love it but I did buy the premium and us it to the fullest. It's great!
Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I have reciprocated and look forward to more of you lovely posts.

Love your house too, it's fabulous!


PAINTORDIG.blogspot.com said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Beautiful garden! The mosquitoes here have been so bad I don't venture out much-three people in Ms. have already died from West Nile. Guess I will have to wait till it's cooler to get out.I adore that tablecloth and your dishes are pefect with it.

Tina@WhatWeKeep said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Good morning Mary!

I'll be right over for some coffee and breakfast in your beautiful garden. The fountain is perfect and hilarious and I'm madly in love with everything you did. See you soon...and I like blackberry jam on my biscuits, please. ; )

Enjoy the cool weekend,


Red Rose Alley said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

The 'keys' napkin ring holder is so sweet. I love old keys and collect them. The purple flower is exquisite. Thank you for that. It made my day.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Linda said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

What a beautiful garden you have...it looks like a great place to sit and relax!!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hello Mary!

So nice stopping by and visiting with you! What a lovely place you have here. I have perused a few of your posts and really enjoyed reading them.

Sweet monogramming :) Very elegant! Love the entire table setting too.

Kindly, Lorraine

Red Rose Alley said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Emreen said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Wow ! Awesome photos... I saw them again and again and drooled over them.... The tablecloth is lovely and perfect.. Love the fresh shade of green , the crockery .... your garden... everything looks so delightful....
I use "snipping tool" to edit... Its the easiest, I have used so far.... All you have to do is open the picture and crop it completely - It re-sizes, reduces the size without any loss of clarity... !!

Thank's for your comment!

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