Take Some Time

Hello Friends!

I’m taking some time…..


away from the computer to enjoy these beautiful spring mornings that we have been having in KY.  I’m anticipating the weather to change any day now from 80 degrees to much hotter temperatures….so I’m getting a head start. 



My peonies have been beautiful this year, however, I lost all of my lavender.


Spring Flowers




This spring I’ve been busy gardening, but somehow the weeds seem to be one step ahead of me.


White Flower Box

How about you? Do you take time to enjoy what you love? It could be as simple as planting flowers, listening to music or reading your favorite book….or being silent, and just bask in the sounds of nature (one of my favorites).



These are a few of life's simple little pleasures that doesn’t cost very much money, but are priceless.




Today was indeed a joyful day…I took time to smell the roses, and I’m feeling better already.

  Wishing you a productive, as well as, a joyful week….see you soon!

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1 comment:

Red Rose Alley said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

It's so nice that you take time to smell the roses and to appreciate the simple things that come your way. Yes, I love nature, and being around it brings me so much peace. Say hello to your dog, he's so precious. And your pictures are always wonderful.


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