April Spring Days

There always comes a spring day when barely there green appears without warning on yesterday’s bare trees.  Maybe we undergo change in the same way.


Spring chalkboard in Lavender & Linen's garden 

How about joining me for an appetizer in the garden.


Spring in Lavender & Linen's garden-001

We despair of reaching the and of a long winter of the soul when suddenly we feel a tiny inner shift, an unfurling in some part of our life.

Spring in the garden (lavender&linen.blogspot.com)



Spring at LavenderandLinen.blogspot.com



Spring at Lavender & Linen



Spring at Lavender & Linen-001



Spring at Lavender & Linen-003



Spring at Kentucky's State Capital



Spring at Lavender & Linen-002



Albert (lavenderandlinen)


“The dry seasons in life do not last.  The spring rains will come again.” Sarah Ban Breatnach



Spend a day watching clouds instead of working the cloud.

Think and wonder, wonder and think

Has spring arrived at your house?

Thanks everyone for stopping by!

I hope you’re having lovely weather wherever you are!

It really perks up our spirit and nurtures our soul doesn’t it.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Red Rose Alley said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love these spring blossom trees, and they were all around my town a month ago. Yes, spring has arrived. This quote is so true, there is so much beauty in spring for the photographer. And your pictures are truly wonderful. It's always good to see your sweet dog.


sweetbriardreams said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Spring just suddenly jumps out doesn't it? The colours unfurl and we start waking up again. Gorgeous shots of the blossom. Take care. xx

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Lucky you! We're barely closing in on spring here in Toronto Canada. I have crocuses up, but that's about it for colour.
I love the reclining bunny in your first pics!

Nan in Toronto

Ivy, Phyllis and Me! said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Good Afternoon Mary, Just when we think there will be no end to winter, spring pops its head through the door. Suddenly my garden is growing, with buds and leaves sprouting everywhere.
I love the blossom on the trees, such a delicate, pink colour.... and Albert looks very happy with himself.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Best Wishes

Red Rose Alley said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Your Header with the hydrangeas and the cherries is so lovely. Do you know that CHERRIES are my favorite fruit?

Thank you for your nice comment on my "Jesse" post. It means so much to me and Nel. It's nice to have blog friends like you to share our joy and sorrow with.


Thank's for your comment!

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