Merry Christmas!


To everything there is a season,

and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1


I was given this book, The Purpose of Christmas, several years ago and I’m just now getting around

to reading it.

I think it will become a “must read” for me, before each and every Christmas holiday, as a reminder of what

Christmas should really be about.


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  These old keys are pretty special to me as well.   I found them at a brocante in South West France.

My only regret….. I didn’t buy more.  There’s a story relating to these keys that make them even more special.

I somehow forgot to put them in my checked luggage.  I can’t imagine why I would forget considering

our luggage was already stuffed and bulging.

As I was laying everything on the tray to be x-rayed, I suddenly remembered!  I had left these old keys in my purse!


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Oops.  Too late!  All I could hear was the sound of loud buzzers.  My imagination got the best of me,

possibly a body search, holding me hostage or something like that.Smile

I tried to explain to them, in my southern accent, that they were only old keys!

However, on the monitor, they really did look like scissors…or possibly a gun.  Oh my!


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They asked, “ do you mind if we search your bag?” If I would mind?   I thought they were very nice, considering.

It must be the grey hair! They couldn’t possibly think an old grey haired lady, like me, would be carrying a gun or scissors.

Anyway, after they discovered they were only old rusty keys, they smiled and preceded to handed them back to me,

without any drama and told me to have a nice trip home! Relief!  It’s such a nice feeling!


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Have you ever had time to stop and think about the Christmas holiday?


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Christmas is celebrated all over the world.  Other holidays get a single day, but Christmas is emphasized for

an entire month.  During the Christmas season, we decorate our homes,


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send out greeting cards, buy gifts, go to Christmas parties, attend church services,

sing Christmas songs,  watch Christmas TV specials, and travel


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long distances to be with our families.  Christmas sights and sounds fill the air everywhere.


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When Christmas comes, you can’t miss it. 


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Also if you stop and think about it, it is astounding that the simple, unassuming birth of a peasant boy

born two thousand years ago in the Middle east has caused such commotion.


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Christmas can be stressful, we feel pressured, sometimes we feel like it’s a duty not a pleasure.

We sometimes endure Christmas rather enjoy it.


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Can you relate?  

Are you making any New Years resolutions?


Thank you for stopping by Lavender & Linen!

Albert and I appreciate each and everyone of you!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

beautifulpost, I hadn't thought about new Years resolutions and i really don't make any, I probably should but don't.
Happy Holidays to you,

Tina@WhatWeKeep said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I loved this post, Mary. Beautifully written. And so funny about your keys at the airport! I hate when that happens.
I won't make any resolutions this year...I'll just keep learning and growing into the person I'm meant to be. Your home is decorated in my favorite way...simple and elegant and natural.
Happy New Year to you and wishing you the very best in 2012. said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Loved this post. I really tried to be simple this year-I have come to realize it is not about the decorations and all the other stuff-well really I always knew it, but now I am going to try to pare down more each year!

Red Rose Alley said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

These old keys are a treasure! Do you know that I collect old keys...just love them.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

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