Caryl Bryer Fallerts studio in Paducah, KY



The quilt show in Paducah was amazing in spite of the rain and storms. It was a little nervy at times because we could hear water lapping at the top of the flood wall but Paducah has been hosting these shows for a number of years and they know how to handle situations due to weather. They were well prepared and plan B worked beautifully. 

Our first stop was at Caryl Bryer Fallerts home and studio. A friend, who was with us, had taken one of her quilting classes and couldn’t wait for us to see her work, Caryl is famous for her exhibitions and publications throughout the world.


Quilt Show 001


Quilt Show 003


Quilt Show 004

Can you see the black eagle on the left?

Quilt Show 008

She uses such luminous colors and the detail is amazing.

Quilt Show 009


Quilt Show 011


Quilt Show 017

This quilt is all about her father. 

Quilt Show 007

Quilt Show 019


Quilt Show 014


If you would like to visit her website go here.

  I will be adding more quilts from the actual quilt show later on this week.

Thanks so very much for stopping by!   Stay safe and I hope you have a fabulous week!

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Richard Cottrell said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I have never seen anything like those quilts. WOW! Thanks for sharing. Richard at My Old Historic House

Olga Poltava said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Wow, what an amazing work. These quilts are fantastic; I've never seen such before.

Linda said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I am speechless...those are fabulous!!

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Mary....what AMAZING quilts....gosh they are beautiful..and colorful.
I had a good friend who died of cancer last year..and she was a marvelous quliter too...I am in awe of people who can do that.
Thank you for stopping by. My blog had been DELETED they said...gave NO REASON, I just about fainted.


Sharon (BennBoo Creations) said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh my goodness! It took everything I had to look away from those amazing creations! Would most definitely *love* to see more photos and thank you for sharing!!

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